1,839 research outputs found

    Electroconductive PET/SWNT Films by Solution Casting

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    The market for electrically conductive polymers is rapidly growing, and an emerging pathway for attaining these materials is via polymer-carbon nanotube (CNT) nanocomposites, because of the superior properties of CNTs. Due to their excellent electrical properties and anisotropic magnetic susceptibility, we expect CNTs could be easily aligned to maximize their effectiveness in imparting electrical conductivity to the polymer matrix. Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) were dispersed in a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) matrix by solution blending then cast onto a glass substrate to create thin, flexible films. Various SWNT loading concentrations were implemented (0.5, 1.0, and 3.0 wt.%) to study the effect of additive density. The processing method was repeated to produce films in the presence of magnetic fields (3 and 9.4 Tesla). The SWNTs showed a high susceptibility to the magnetic field and were effectively aligned in the PET matrix. The alignment was characterized with Raman spectroscopy. Impedance spectroscopy was utilized to study the electrical behavior of the films. Concentration and dispersion seemed to play very important roles in improving electrical conductivity, while alignment played a secondary and less significant role. The most interesting result proved to be the effect of a magnetic field during processing. It appears that a magnetic field may improve dispersion of unmodified SWNTs, which seems to be more important than alignment. It was concluded that SWNTs offer a good option as conductive, nucleating filler for electroconductive polymer applications, and the utilization of a magnetic field may prove to be a novel method for CNT dispersion that could lead to improved nanocomposite materials

    Nitrergic modulation of neuronal excitability in the mouse hippocampus is mediated via regulation of Kv2 and voltage‐gated sodium channels

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    Regulation of neuronal activity is a necessity for communication and information transmission. Many regulatory processes which have been studied provide a complex picture of how neurons can respond to permanently changing functional requirements. One such activity-dependent mechanism involves signaling mediated by nitric oxide (NO). Within the brain, NO is generated in response to neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) activation but NO-dependent pathways regulating neuronal excitability in the hippocampus remain to be fully elucidated. This study was set out to systematically assess the effects of NO on ion channel activities and intrinsic excitabilities of pyramidal neurons within the CA1 region of the mouse hippocampus. We characterized whole-cell potassium and sodium currents, both involved in action potential (AP) shaping and propagation and determined NO-mediated changes in excitabilities and AP waveforms. Our data describe a novel signaling by which NO, in a cGMP-independent manner, suppresses voltage-gated Kv2 potassium and voltage-gated sodium channel activities, thereby widening AP waveforms and reducing depolarization-induced AP firing rates. Our data show that glutathione, which possesses denitrosylating activity, is sufficient to prevent the observed nitrergic effects on potassium and sodium channels, whereas inhibition of cGMP signaling is also sufficient to abolish NO modulation of sodium currents. We propose that NO suppresses both ion channel activities via redox signaling and that an additional cGMP-mediated component is required to exert effects on sodium currents. Both mechanisms result in a dampened excitability and firing ability providing new data on nitrergic activities in the context of activity-dependent regulation of neuronal function following nNOS activation

    Nitrergic modulation of ion channel function in regulating neuronal excitability

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    Nitric oxide (NO) signaling in the brain provides a wide range of functional properties in response to neuronal activity. NO exerts its effects through different signaling pathways, namely, through the canonical soluble guanylyl cyclase-mediated cGMP production route and via post-translational protein modifications. The latter pathways comprise cysteine S-nitrosylation and 3-nitrotyrosination of distinct tyrosine residues. Many ion channels are targeted by one or more of these signaling routes, which leads to their functional regulation under physiological conditions or facilities their dysfunction leading to channelopathies in many pathologies. The resulting alterations in ion channel function changes neuronal excitability, synaptic transmission, and action potential propagation. Transient and activity-dependent NO production mediates reversible ion channel modifications via cGMP and S-nitrosylation signaling, whereas more pronounced and longer-term NO production during conditions of elevated oxidative stress leads to increasingly cumulative and irreversible protein 3-nitrotyrosination. The complexity of this regulation and vast variety of target ion channels and their associated functional alterations presents a challenging task in assessing and understanding the role of NO signaling in physiology and disease

    Rab11 rescues synaptic dysfunction and behavioural deficits in a Drosophila model of Huntington's disease

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    Synapse abnormalities in Huntington's disease (HD) patients can precede clinical diagnosis and neuron loss by decades. The polyglutamine expansion in the huntingtin (htt) protein that underlies this disorder leads to perturbations in many cellular pathways, including the disruption of Rab11-dependent endosomal recycling. Impairment of the small GTPase Rab11 leads to the defective formation of vesicles in HD models and may thus contribute to the early stages of the synaptic dysfunction in this disorder. Here, we employ transgenic Drosophila melanogaster models of HD to investigate anomalies at the synapse and the role of Rab11 in this pathology. We find that the expression of mutant htt in the larval neuromuscular junction decreases the presynaptic vesicle size, reduces quantal amplitudes and evoked synaptic transmission and alters larval crawling behaviour. Furthermore, these indicators of early synaptic dysfunction are reversed by the overexpression of Rab11. This work highlights a potential novel HD therapeutic strategy for early intervention, prior to neuronal loss and clinical manifestation of disease

    Treatment with human growth hormone in patients with Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome reduces body fat and increases muscle mass and physical performance

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    Twelve children with documented Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome were treated with human growth hormone (24 U/m2/week) during 1 year. The children were divided into three groups: group 1: overweight and prepubertal (n = 6, age 3.8-7.0 years); group 2: underweight and prepubertal (n = 3, age 0.6-4.1 years); group 3: pubertal (n = 3, age 9.2-14.6 years). In group 1, height increased from -1.7 SD to -0.6 SD, while weight decreased from 1.1 SD to 0.4 SD, with a dramatic drop in weight for height from 3.8 SD to 1.2 SD. Hand length increased from -1.5 SD to -0.4 SD and foot length from -2.5 SD to -1.4 SD. Body fat, measured by dual X-ray energy absorptiometry, dropped by a third, whereas muscle mass increased by a fourth. Physical capability (Wingate test) improved considerably. The children were reported to be much more active and capable. In group 2, similar changes were seen, but weight for height increased, probably because muscle mass increase exceeded fat mass decrease. Changes in group 3 were similar as in group 1, even though far less distinct. Conclusion: Growth hormone treatment in Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome led to dramatic changes: distinct increase in growth velocity, height and muscle mass, as well as an improvement in physical performance. Fat mass and weight for height decreased in the initially overweight children, and weight for height increased in underweight childre